Find the latest Matrix conversion update here: NTREIS Provides a Matrix Conversion Update
Information Courtesy of NTREIS
The new Matrix is now live.
The biggest change for many will be the final removal of MLS Areas and SubAreas. Imported Saved Searches will show as “Imported SS” or as “Imported SS*”. Those with an asterisk contain field information that is no longer available and could not be converted to a new field.
Several map layers are available to customize searches and users can draw their own custom areas as well. It is important to be mindful that your customers are not familiar with NTREIS "Areas" and are more accustomed to map based searching. For personalized assistance please call a CCAR MLS Specialist at 972-618-3800.
Additional Changes Include:
- Total Baths is now an integer not a decimal
- Status Changes:
- Sold and Leased are now "Closed"
- Temp off Market is now labeled as “Hold”
- Withdrawn sublisting is no longer used and has been removed
- Property Type Changes:
- Residential subtype Condo/Townhouse are now separate searches
- Residential
- Mobile Home and Manufactured Home are new subtypes (instead of Housing type)
- Half Duplex is included with Single Family subtype and is available as a Housing type
- Residential Lease
- Residential Income (formerly Multi-family)
- Land - (Commercial Land Subtype is now Unimproved Land in Commercial Sale)
- Commercial Sale
- Commercial Lease (formerly combined with Commercial Lease) - saved searches and personal settings for Commercial have been converted for Commercial Sale only, so if you are searching for Leases, you will need to update the search.
- Commercial type For Sale and For Lease are now separate searches
- Field Changes
- # Stories is now Levels- this allows for the selection One and One Half, Split, etc.
- Building Stories is Stories Total
- Buyer Financing on Closed listings is a multi-select
- Environment fields are now a “repeatable” input
- Barns fields are now a “repeatable” input
- Additional options added for Garage, carport, and Parking features
- Security Features Y/N converted to multi-select field
- Fencing Y/N converted to multi-select field
- New Fields
- Property Managed By
- Texting
- Garage height
- Garage Y/N
- Auction Y/N
- Basement Y/N
- Cooling (selections from other fields converted to this field where possible)
- Patio/Porch features
- Windows features
- Business type
- Some existing fields have add new selections added, so you may want to review your active listings to see if there are new features you would like to add!
- If you are a “CoList” agent on a listing, that listing will now appear in your personal “My listings’ inventory.
This post will be updated as new information becomes available.
Last Updated 3/2/2022