Navigating property taxes and exemptions can be intimidating but it doesn't have to be! Did you know that your County Appraisal District (CAD) is a great place to get information regarding exemptions specific to your home?
Different taxing entities have different tax exemption regulations, which can make knowing what applies to you difficult. With the help of your local CAD, you can easily access what exemptions pertain to your home address. For example, here is the Collin County CAD webpage that allows you to enter your home address to see your applicable taxing entities. You can then see what exemptions apply to those specific entities here.
While the homestead and 65+ exemptions are the most common, there are other exemptions that you could potentially take advantage of. For more clarification on property tax exemptions, how to apply, and the rules for each, you're always encouraged to contact your local CAD. They are the experts and they are there to help you navigate!
If you would like more information regarding this topic, we invite you to check out one of our recent Welcome to the Top podcast episode "Your Property Tax Fight is Not Over: Part 2 with Amy Hanson and Jennifer Parker" at www.welcometothetop.com. Check out a preview the podcast episode below.