Grow what you know at the 2022 NAR NXT, The REALTOR® Experience, where you’ll expand your expertise, strengthen your skillset, pump up your professionalism, and reap the rewards. At NAR NXT, the innovation is in the experience. You’ll find fresh, future-focused content, rave-worthy presenters, elevated programming, facilitated networking, offsite field experiences, and many other unique features that add relevance and value. Every minute of the conference is carefully curated to optimize your time and maximize your experience/ROI.
Browse the industry’s largest trade show, with over 250 exhibitors, to find products and services that will help you conduct business more efficiently. Special events provide a fun way to network with peers in a casual atmosphere. You will return home with the knowledge, tools and connections to be successful in this competitive business.
This event is happening November 11-13 in Orlando, Florida. Click here to get your tickets now!