Elections are here and we want to educate everyone on two propositions that can impact Collin County in great ways. As a reminder, early voting is happening now until this Friday, November 3, and Election Day is Tuesday, November 7. For more information on voting times and locations, click here.
Proposition D:
Proposition E:
Due to the rapid population growth Collin County has experienced, we recognize the immediate need to improve our roads and transportation infrastructure. With the improvements that would come from Proposition E, we expect a decrease in road congestion, easier travel time for our residents, as well as new business and home building opportunities. Proposition D, on the other hand, focuses on the parks & outdoor spaces that are currently being exhausted beyond their capacities for our rising population. Adding new outdoor areas and beautifying current ones will not only serve our current resident's needs, but will increase property values and draw in potential homebuyers in the future. To learn more about Propositions D and E, please click here.